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Sadie Potter, Wizard Extraordinaire October 8, 2011

Filed under: Sadie's Adventures Out — hamonfamily @ 8:04 pm
As a parent, you cannot always protect your little one from the bumps and bruises in this world. Aside from her wagon incident, Sadie really hasn’t had too many scratches or dents. 🙂 That is, until we were at Barnes and Noble one night playing. She was playing with the “choo choooo” when she decided to walk away towards the stuffed animals. She was extremely polite and thought to tell the older 5 year old boy “BYYYYEEEE!” as she walked away. The only trouble was that as she was telling him goodbye, she had her head turned facing him as her little legs carried her forward. She turned her head back around just in time for her to run into a bookshelf. 
I felt awful for her, although she was OK within moments. The funny part came when the eyes dried and she went back to playing. Jame and I noticed that Voldemort must have been working some evil magic, because the bookshelf left Sadie with an eerily similar scrape to Harry Potter. We had no idea our daughter was so magical and will therefore be the best wizard at Hogwarts…


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